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A Good Account Before Christ



As I have participated in UNSN sessions and conversations surrounding Sobor and the future of the UOCC over the past months I have been saddened by the negative assessments including accusations on the destructiveness of UNSN to our Church life - of some within our national UOCC community.

UNSN at the outset provided, a detailed explanation of what we are doing and as to its appropriateness from the point of view of the teaching of our Orthodox Faith and tradition. I suggest that our critics need to provide us with clear statements as to where we have wondered off the path of righteousness. At times the criticism appears to be nothing more than put down resulting from a challenge to inertia, complacency and what St. Basil called, “the tyranny of custom”.

I suggest that we all need to reflect on our attitude on responding to change and the seriousness with which we approach this response. I suggest that we take seriously the challenge – wake-up call of Bill Marianes of Ancient Faith Podcasts – Stewardship Calling in his excellent podcast – Time of Intervention: Declining Churches and Faith. Which I recommend as a must listen to for anyone concerned about the future of our Church.

In the words of Bill Marianes ….In each Divine Liturgy – we pray a number of times for “ …a good account, before the awesome judgement seat of Christ.” The point is that you and I my brothers and sisters will one day stand before the awesome judgement seat of Christ and have to account for our lives – what did we do with our gifts, talents, resources and networks over which God has made us the steward – and critically what did we do with His Church – under our watch – did it thrive and grow or did it wither on the vine…brothers and sisters our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ put you on the watch for His Church at this time.”

It is my observation that for those of us who participate in UNSN, we are endeavoring to answer the above challenge. For us this is not a social-political exercise-game. This is very important for each of us – for each of us knows, that we will need to account before Christ’s judgement seat for our actions or in-actions.

In light of this ultimate accountability I hope and pray that all of us who will be attending the Sobor will treat all decisions with the full use of our gift of analytical thought and humbly seek to discern the will of God in each decision we make.

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